repare for maximum deliciousness because I’m making amazing French dessert – Fraisier strawberry cake!
Today I’m making Fraisier strawberry cake that consists of sponge cake, vanila crème mousseline and lots of fresh strawberries. Yum!

First I’ll make joconde sponge cake. Traditionally Fraisier is made of genoise sponge cake, but I find joconde to be moister and more flavorful. I already made joconde for my almond and chocolate mocha cake, so take a glimpse!

Crème mousseline is pastry cream with added butter. I already used this delicious filling in my triple chocolate cream puffs, Paris-Brest, and chocolate cookie and strawberry mini cakes. When making mousseline, it is important to add softened butter into cooled pastry cream. However, the cream shouldn’t be too cold, because it can harden the butter and the result won’t be smooth. So, I advise that you keep your pastry cream at room temperature before adding softened butter – it will be great!

Fresh strawberries are my favorite fruit! But I won’t complain if I get strawberry dessert! :) If you are strawberry afficionado like I am, check my other strawberry recipes like strawberry and coconut spheres, strawberry and meringue cake, strawberry tarts, strawberry and white chocolate tarts or strawberry panna cotta!

Fraisier Strawberry Cake
by:Tereza Alabanda,The Pastry Maestra
PRINT PDF (EN) ISPIŠI PDF (HR)Prep. time : 40 minutes
Cook time : 30 minutes
Ready in 70 minutes plus cooling
Level : Advanced
Joconde Sponge Cake:
- Eggs 85g (3oz)
- Almond flour 75g (2.6oz)
- Powdered sugar 65g (2.3oz)
- All purpose flour 20g (0.7oz)
- Butter, melted 15g (1/2oz)
- Egg whites 55g (2oz)
- Sugar 15g (1/2oz)
- Sugar 85g (3oz)
- Water 85g (3oz)
- Kirsch liqueur 15g (1/2oz)
- Milk 500g (17.6oz)
- Egg yolks 85g (3oz)
- Sugar 125g (4.4oz)
- All purpose flour 40g (1.4oz)
- Corn starch 40g (1.4oz)
- Vanilla powder
- Butter 250g (8.8oz)
- Fresh strawberries 450g (1lb)
- Chocolate shreds
- Pistachios, chopped
- To make Joconde sponge cake place powdered sugar,almond flour and flour into a large bowl and stir well with a whisk. Then add eggs and melted butter and stir until you get smooth paste. Make French meringue from egg whites and sugar. Place egg whites into a bowl of a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment and whisk on medium speed until soft peaks form. Then, gradually add sugar and continue mixing until firm peaks form. Add the prepared paste into the French meringue and mix with a silicone spatula until combined.
- Divide the mixture into two 16cm (6″) in diameter cake rings, smooth the mixture using a small spatula and bake at 180°C (350°F) for about 10-12 minutes.
- To make crème mousseline first you need to make pastry cream.
- Put milk into a pan, add vanilla powder and half of the sugar, turn on the heat and stir to combine. Whisk the egg yolks with the remaining sugar, add sifted flour and corn starch into the egg yolks and stir well to combine. When milk becomes hot take the pan off the heat and temper the yolk mixture with approximately one half of the heated milk. Stir well and then return the yolk mixture into the pan. Put the pan back on the stove and cook stirring vigorously until the cream boils and thickens. Pastry cream has to boil for another two minutes while stirring constantly so the starch cooks thoroughly. Remove the pan from the stove, immediately pour the cream into a clean bowl, cover it by placing plastic wrap onto the surface of the cream and chill.
- To make crème mousseline place cooled pastry cream into a bowl of a stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment and mix on medium speed until the cream is softened. Then gradually add softened butter. Make sure that your pastry cream isn’t too cold as it will momentarily harden the butter and mousseline won’t be smooth.
- To make simple syrup place sugar into a bowl, add water and stir well with a whisk. Microwave this until the sugar crystals dissolve, and then leave it to cool down. Add Kirsch liqueur into the cooled syrup and stir to combine.
- Prepare some strawberry halves and chopped strawberries.
- Cut joconde into 14cm (5.5″) and 12cm (4.7″) discs.
- To assemble the cake place 16cm (6″) in diameter cake ring onto a plate, and in the middle put 14cm (5.5″) in diameter joconde. Line the ring with acetate strip.
- First assemble halved strawberries around the cake ring so the flat side touches the acetate strip. Then soak sponge cake with syrup.
- Pipe mousseline cream onto the joconde using a piping bag fitted with plain 10mm (3/8″) tip. Then pipe the cream between the strawberries. Using a small spatula spread the cream around the strawberries to avoid any air pockets.
- Then, place some chopped strawberries onto the cream and gently press them in.
- Next, place the second, 12cm (4.7″) joconde into the cake and press it in. Soak it with syrup.
- Pipe some more cream onto it and place more chopped strawberries onto the cream.
- Fill the cake ring with mousseline smooth the top using a spatula, and put the cake in the fridge for a couple of hours until it sets.
- When Fraisier is set, decorate it with the remaining cream. Then, top it with chocolate shavings, fresh strawberries and chopped pistachios.
- There, your delicious Fraisier strawberry cake is done! Enjoy!
Copyright© PastryMaestra.comTM
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