ot long ago, so-called ‘healthy food’ was almost a dirty word. Bland, boring, cardboard-taste food, deprived of any appeal, except – being ‘healthy’, it was something a person had to eat, mostly for medical reasons – but not enjoy. Bad times. Today, however, things are completely different!

It seems that the entire food industry has one single goal in mind – to make extra yummy, healthy food! Fat free, sugar free, gluten free, dairy free ingredients are everywhere, easily attainable and cheap, so all we need to do is – think up a good recipe and get to work! I did just that and in this video I’ll teach you how to make 5 easy and delicious one bite cookies you won’t even realize are healthy!

Is it Difficult to Make Healthy Cookies?
No, it isn’t! At least not my awesome cookies! You will only need 4 ingredients and 30 seconds to whip up the basic cookie mixture! The ingredients are simple and easily attainable, you maybe even have them in your pantry right now – almond flour, apple puree, maple syrup and neutral tasting coconut oil – that’s it.

And you can bake this mixture as is – even plain it will be delicious! But, in case you have a couple of minutes more to spare, I’ll give you 5 different, but simple ideas that will elevate this simple concoction to a dessert-level yummy little bite.

How to Flavor Healthy Cookies?
Well, basically – you can do what ever you want! You can take the minimalist approach and only slap a raspberry or two on the top, or, you can let your imagination run free and go to town – only sky is the limit! I’ve decided to take the middle road, meaning – I’ll keep it simple, but sweet and yummy. So, here are my suggestions, but feel free to improvise and make your own combination, and drop me a comment to let know how it went!

Pistachio Thumbprint Cookies

To make healthy pistachio thumbprint one bite cookies I rolled my basic mixture into a ball, and covered it in finely chopped pistachios. Then I made a hole in the center of each ball using a handle of my wooden spoon. When my cookies were done and cooled, I filled them with some delicious sugar free raspberry jam, yummy!

Lemon and Poppy Seed Cookies

If you are not here for the first time, you probably realized that I kind of like poppy seeds. OK, OK, I REALLY like them! So, since I like to top my Kaiser rolls with poppy seeds, I will happily take a bite of povitica or poppy seed roll with my coffee, and I just love my raspberry and poppy seed tart, I had to flavor my healthy cookies with some poppy seeds, too. It was a no-brainer ; I’ve simply added some freshly grated lemon zest into the basic cookie mixture, made balls and rolled them into poppy seeds, simple as that!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Now who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies? To make healthy version I added some roasted cocoa nibs – pure chocolate flavor, and some freshly grated orange zest – and trust me, it works great! If you have already scrolled through my recipes, I believe that my affection for orange and chocolate flavor combination is also obvious.

Apricot and Coconut Cookies

To make these puppies I just added some chopped dried apricots into the basic cookie mixture and rolled them into unsweetened shredded coconut. Delish! You can use any other dried fruits, of course, just make sure to chop it finely.

Chocolate and Hazelnut Cookies

Now, this one is a classic – chocolate and hazelnut – are you kidding me?! I added some cocoa nibs into the basic mixture, and rolled my cookies into some chopped hazelnuts. Bingo!

There you have it – my 5 easy and delicious one bite cookies are ready to dazzle you, and trust me – you won’t even realize they are healthy!

5 Easy and Delicious One Bite Cookies Recipe
by:Tereza Alabanda,The Pastry Maestra
PRINT PDF (EN) ISPIŠI PDF (HR)Prep. time : 7 minutes
Cook time : 8 minutes
Ready in 15 minutes
Level : Basic
Ingredients: Basic Mixture- Almond flour 245g (8.6oz)
- Maple syrup 45g (1.6oz)
- Apple puree (unsweetened) 45g (1.6oz)
- Coconut oil (neutral tasting) 45g (1.6oz)
- Basic mixture 75g (2.6oz)
- Finely chopped pistachios 50g (1.8oz)
- Raspberry jam (sugar free) 50g (1.8oz)
- Basic mixture 75g (2.6oz)
- Lemon zest 4g (1Tsp)
- Poppy seed 50g (1.8oz)
- Basic mixture 75g (2.6oz)
- Orange zest 4g (1Tsp)
- Cocoa nibs 20g (0.7oz)
- Basic mixture 75g (2.6oz)
- Dried apricots 30g (1oz)
- Unsweetened shredded coconut 30g (1oz)
- Basic mixture 75g (2.6oz)
- Cocoa nibs 10g (0.35oz)
- Finaly chopped hazelnuts 50g (1.8oz)
- To make basic mixture put almond flour into a bowl. Add maple syrup, unsweetened apple puree, and melted neutral tasting coconut oil, and stir well with a silicone spatula until the mixture becomes uniform.
- To make Pistachio Thumbprint Cookies, take 15g (0.5oz) of the mixture and roll it between your palms to make a ball. Roll each ball into finely chopped pistachios. Then, place cookies onto a paper lined baking tray and make a hole in the center of each cookie using the handle of a wooden spoon.
- To make Lemon and Poppy Seed Cookies add freshly grated lemon zest into the basic mixture and stir well to combine. Then, take 15g (0.5oz) of the mixture and roll it between your palms to make a ball. Roll each ball into poppy seeds. Place cookies onto a paper lined baking tray.
- To make Chocolate Chip Cookies, add freshly grated orange zest and cocoa nibs into basic mixture and stir to combine. Then, take 15g (0.5oz) of the mixture and roll it between your palms to make a ball. Place cookies onto a paper lined baking tray.
- To make Apricot and Coconut Cookies add finely chopped dried apricots into the basic mixture. Then, take 15g (0.5oz) of the mixture and roll it between your palms to make a ball. Roll each ball into unsweetened shredded coconut. Then, place cookies onto a paper lined baking tray.
- To make Chocolate and Hazelnut Cookies, add cocoa nibs into the basic mixture and stir to combine. Then, take 15g (0.5oz) of the mixture and roll it between your palms to make a ball. Roll each ball into finely chopped hazelnuts. Then, place cookies onto a paper lined baking tray.
- Bake cookies at 170°C (340°F) for about 8 minutes, and then, take them out and leave them to cool down.
- When the cookies are done and cooled, fill pistachio thumbprint cookies with sugar free raspberry jam.
- There, 5 Quick and Super Easy Healthy One Bite Cookies are done! Enjoy!
Copyright© PastryMaestra.comTM
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